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You can help

Siloam village receives no government subsidies. The funds needed to operate and expand the village are raised through voluntary contributions, bequests and donations from individuals and businesses, as well as churches and other groups.
Siloam village began in 1997 as Children’s Convalescent Home Siloam in a rented house, where children were cared for and accommodated.
In a special way, the land and buildings where Siloam is located have been acquired by the foundation, which makes it possible to further develop and start realizing the expansion plans.
Will you help Siloam Village to grow into a nice and safe village where children are lovingly cared for and guided according to biblical morals? You can do this by supporting us financially, but also by ‘liking’ us on Facebook and ‘sharing’ our posts and photos so that more and more people become aware of what we do and what we stand for.

Bank account details

IBAN:  NL10 INGB 0007 6682 72
payable to Vrienden van Siloam

If you would like to support our work please enter the amount you would like to support us with below and then transfer via iDeal.
